
Knocking on Heaven’s Door: A New Testament Theology of Petitionary Prayer is unavailable, but you can change that!

How are we to understand the nature of petitionary prayer? This is an issue of perennial concern to the church, from both a theological and a pastoral standpoint. Certainly much has been written on the topic from a devotional/experiential approach as well as from a philosophical one. But Knocking on Heaven’s Door by David Crump is the first attempt to examine exhaustively the New Testament...

surface, brilliant underwater colors vanish when raised to the surface. We may be able to explore both worlds, but it is painfully apparent that we are better suited for the one than the other. This should not stop us from trying to understand how the two realms relate; it ought, however, to curb our human penchant for dogmatism, replacing heavy-handed solutions with a healthy dose of humility and a very gentle touch. Practicing petitionary prayer raises a complex set of questions for those who think
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